
I teach the 8 Limbs of Integral Yoga privately, in studios, corporate settings, and small groups. This means I instruct the physical forms for all manner of health and strength. I teach deep relaxation and how to access the deeper parts of ourselves. I also teach breath awareness for physical health, stamina, detoxification and mental focus.

I teach meditation, and various forms of mindfulness. And above all, I guide people to find their inner teachers for themselves. Sometimes the process is short, sometimes long, but eventually everyone gets to their nirvana. The life journey is staying there.

It is a cost-effective, enjoyable way to lower stress and boost the immune system and morale. Try it for 4-12 weeks and see how production, engagement, and attitudes shift toward the positive. See About for more description of my service to yoga.

Offerings Online and In-Person again!

Contact me with questions.

Confronted with a challenge in your life that needs careful attention?  Yoga therapy is proven help.  Private and small group.