Vimukti Victoria Aslan, C-IAYT, E-RYT500, YACEP, brings her curiosity and compassion to bear as a certified yoga instructor and yoga therapist in Integral Yoga® Hatha Level I, II, III, Gentle and Therapeutic Yoga, Stress Management and Raja Yoga.
Yoga is a venerated science and spiritual practice distilled from masters who have gone deep within themselves discovering secrets of health, peace, longevity, and vitality. The components of this system are physical, mental, and spiritual. The 8 Limbs are defined as Yama (Great Vows or Abstinence), Niyama (Observance), Asana (Posture), Pranayama (Breath Control), Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal), Dharana (Concentration), Dhyanna (Meditation) and Samadhi (Contemplation, Absorption, Superconscious State). Within these 8 Limbs are the practices of Japa (mantra), Jnana (yoga of the mind), Bhakti (yoga of devotion), and Karma (yoga of service).
Integral Yoga®, developed by Sri Swami Satchidananda, is based in Buckingham, VA (Yogaville), and New York City with institutes and centers worldwide.

The use and breadth of the physical body has always fascinated me. I studied dance early and the theatre arts called to me. My years at New York University continued the study of the body and voice in theater. I continued on the path of creativity working with incredibly talented directors, writers, singers and dancers in the world of avant garde theater and music. Eventually, I entered the world of yoga, meditation and martial arts obtaining a black belt in aikido in the USAF school under Yoshimitsu Yamada Sensei, Shihan. Each of these forms reveals how body, speech and mind must work in harmony to bring consciousness.. My interest in the restorative powers of Therapeutic Yoga led me to certify as a teacher under Cheri Clampett. I am a registered member of Yoga Alliance®, a certified instructor for The Yoga of Recovery® and a happy member of the Integral Yoga Teacher’s Association. I am also certified as a Yoga Therapist through the International Association of Yoga Therapists. My journey continues toward compassion, patience and love through my yoga practice to live in an easeful body, a peaceful mind and enjoy a useful life. Bringing that to others is a joyful service.